



学术 Advisors are available to assist you in the development of meaningful educational plans to help you achieve your goals, 无论是在四年制学院还是大学继续你的教育, 为立即进入就业市场做准备, 或者发展职业发展或个人成长的技能. Advisors can assist you with the selection of appropriate courses and advise you about your curriculum reinforcing your self-sufficiency and self-direction.

New students will be advised by counselors in the 学生服务 1 Stop (lower level of Bland Hall) during the first semester they enroll.

在那之后, all curricular students will be assigned a faculty advisor who will assist them in scheduling classes, 更改课程安排(添加/删除)和完成退课. 


指导老师也可以帮助学生完成学业, 职业, 教育和/或个人问题, 但会根据需要将学生推荐给心理咨询师.

学生应与导师保持定期联系. 指导老师为他或她的学生完成毕业认证, 所以定期联系是至关重要的.


有时, 学生可能会与老师就成绩或其他课堂政策发生冲突. 学生应该投诉吗, 他或她有责任遵循申诉程序 目录 & 学生手册:

  1. The student will first meet with the faculty member or other college person with whom the concern is related and try to resolve the problem at that level. 然而,如果没有达成满意的解决方案,学生将继续进行第二步. 学生有五(5)个工作日的时间进入第二步.
  2. 学生将与对方的院长或主管进行个人会议. 院长或主管有五(5)个工作日, 在这次会议之后, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and the college employee involved. 如果会议未能圆满解决所关注的问题, 学生可以提交一份 书面申诉 在院长做出决定后的五(5)个工作日内与学生服务主任沟通.
  3. 学生服务主任将提交未解决的申诉, 连同所有支持声明和受害学生的书面请求, 大学司法委员会.
  4. The College Judicial Board shall hold a hearing within five (5) working days after the Dean of 学生服务’ referral for hearing. 司法委员会的聆讯将按照司法委员会附则的规定进行.
  5. 在作出决定时, the Judicial Board shall consider only the evidence presented at the hearing and such oral and written arguments as the Judicial Board may consider relevant. Within five (5) working days after the hearing the Judicial Board shall make recommendations based upon the hearing and submit such to all parties involved.
  6. 如果司法委员会的决定不令学生满意, he/she may request in writing within five (5) working days that the President review the findings of the Judicial Board. 主席有五(5)个工作日的时间作出最后决定. 主席的决定是最终决定.



学生服务中心的辅导员可以帮助学生制定教育计划, 职业发展, 以及学术上的担忧.  他们可以帮助你探索你的兴趣,确定职业和生活目标. Counselors work directly with faculty and administrators to provide accurate information to students as they make decisions about academic plans and maintain current information on transfer opportunities. 他们可以帮助你解决与职业犹豫不决有关的问题, 学术困难, 时间管理, 以及其他可能阻碍你学业和个人成功的障碍.  WCC Counselors are an excellent resource to increase your awareness of college support services.

WCC cares about our student’s emotional and physical well-being, as well as their academic success.  We are committed to taking a proactive approach to helping our students succeed while maintaining a safe community.  The counselors at WCC are available to help students with personal problems that may hinder them from becoming successful in their academic careers, 除非他们的行为可能对自己构成威胁, 给别人, 或者社区.  虽然世界基督教会不提供精神卫生服务, 我们确实向教员提供适当的推荐, staff, 通过我们当地的学生 山罗杰斯社区服务局


WCC职业教练 与当地高中合作,帮助学生从高中过渡到大学.  此外,WCC辅导员和 TRIO program staff visit high schools to assist students with staying in school and to keep them informed about WCC programs. 

Credit2Careers Attention All Virginia Community College System's 军事 and Veteran Students


我们很高兴地宣布 CREDITS2CAREERS (C2C) -弗吉尼亚社区学院系统(VCCS)学术和职业门户网站.


  •   探索所有23所社区学院提供的学位课程.
  •   立即从他们的军事教育中获得潜在学分的估计, 经验, 和培训.
  •   Personalized exploration of civilian careers related to their military training and specialties; personal interests; or recommended by interest evaluations.
  •   Receive real time employment information to assist military and veteran students make informed post-secondary decisions.



博彩平台网址大全, the Certifying Official for 退伍军人 Affairs acts as a liaison with the Regional Processing Office in Buffalo, NY. Our goal is to assist veterans and/or the dependents of veterans with the application and certification process. 符合蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®第30章的学生, 31, 33, 32, 35, 1606, or VEAP are able to apply for their respective educational benefits with assistance from this office. The VA requires all students to be enrolled in an official curriculum leading to a certificate or degree in order to receive benefits. You must contact your VA certifying official each semester to complete the necessary forms to establish and maintain your eligibility for benefits.

The Department of 退伍军人 服务 State Approving Agency approves programs of education offered at 博彩平台网址大全.

Any questions regarding the eligibility of a veteran or dependent can be answered by calling 1-888-GIBILL1 (442-4551) or visiting www.gibill.va.gov.






如果您从未使用过GI Bill®:

如果您在其他机构使用过您的GI Bill®


  1. 一旦你注册了你的课程,请填写 退伍军人事务认证申请表. 这张表格需要在每学期注册课程时填写.
  2. 如果你在学期内退/加课,你必须完成 退伍军人事务部更改选举证明申请表格.



WCC's policy on tuition payment: Tuition and fees are to be paid by the student according to the dates set forth in the academic calendar. 在支付学费之前,学生的课程将不会获得VA的认证. 退伍军人福利是报销,不是奖学金. The only exceptions are those students who have been approved for VMDSEP, CH 31 or CH 33 benefits.  学生对自己的课本/上课用品负责.



美国学生退伍军人协会 at WCC is an officially recognized group by the college and is a nationally certified chapter of 美国学生退伍军人协会. SVA的主要任务是为退伍军人提供资源, 在大学环境中取得成功需要支持和倡导. 






关于规划你的大学教育的有用信息,我们推荐 弗吉尼亚教育奇才.


三重奏学生支援服务学生支援服务(SSS)或“AIM计划”于1970年在WCC开始. 这是一个由联邦政府资助的TRIO项目.S. 教育部. Our Mission is to provide support services to 235 eligible students to enhance academic performance with the goal of increasing their retention, 毕业率和转学率.




  • 有关学生成功主题的工作坊,例如学习和应试技巧, 时间管理, 金融知识, 金融援助, 笔记, etc.
  • Individualized attention, personal support (this service is the most talked about among students)
  • 学术指导
  • 财政援助完成
  • 向四年制院校提供转学援助
  • 大学之旅
  • 职业评估
  • 有机会与其他WCC学生交流


  • 父母或监护人未获得四年制学位的第一代学生
  • 收入的资格
  • 有残疾证明的学生


  • 完成项目AIM申请
  • 提交下列其中一份文件的副本:
    • 联邦所得税申报表
    • 美国国税局纳税记录副本


  • 继续参加证书或副学士学位课程
  • 在上课、排课等方面有问题时寻求帮助.
  • 每学期至少参加一次辅导课程
  • 整个学期与指定的AIM项目顾问中国博彩平台
  • 参加工作坊和研讨会


三个工作玛丽亚·怀特,主任, mwhited@wcc.spongebob-and-friends.net or 276-223-4791

史黛西·伯切特,律师, sburchett@wcc.spongebob-and-friends.net or 276-223-4739

薇姬·马尔斯律师 vmarrs@wcc.spongebob-and-friends.net or 276-223-4754

行政助理黛比·帕克特 dpuckett@wcc.spongebob-and-friends.net or 276-223-4822


博彩平台网址大全 does not discriminate on the basis of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, 头发的类型, 还有保护性发型,比如编辫子, locks, 和扭曲);, sex, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性取向, 性别认同, age, 政治面貌, 遗传学, 资深地位, 怀孕或分娩, or disability when the person is otherwise qualified in its educational programs and activities or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Malinda Eversole, 人力资源总监, 卡罗尔大厅105号, 东主街1000号, 弗吉尼亚州威斯维尔24382, 276-223-4869. 欲知更多资料, see the list of OCR enforcement offices for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, 或致电1-800-421-3481.